What’s up, girl?

Welcome to Girls’ Trip Global where the girls’ trip is definitely making it out of the group chat. If you want travel tips, recommendations, and the hottest gossip from one girl to another, then what are you waiting for? We’ve got a flight to catch!

We have a trip to plan!

Girls’ trips are tough to plan, I know. I’ve scrolled endlessly on TikTok trying to find the most fun, exciting spots only to get there and it’s totally lame IRL! That’s why GTG makes it easy to find the good spots all the girls are visiting all around the world! Keep up with my trips and experiences that will help you get your own girls’ trips out of the group chat!

We got a flight to catch; let’s go!

Subscribe to GTG to get the best girl-to-girl advice, tips, and recommendations! Let’s take a trip together as we adventure around the world with GTG. Toodles!

Subscribe to Girls' Trip Global

gtg, got a girls' trip to plan!


getting the girls trip out of the group chat ✈️